It has been just over six weeks since we welcomed our daughter into the world! Since then, she has already developed and changed in many ways. Here are some highlights of our past six weeks...
1. Naya was dedicated at our church,
Community Grace Brethren Church soon after being born. We are looking very forward to her growing and learning there (alongside at least six other girl babies close in age!)
My dad praying over Naya during the dedication. |
Four generations! Grandma & Grandpa Spahr, Dad, me and Baby Naya. |
Four generations! Grandpa Carter, Mom, me, and Baby Naya. |
Our growing family: My sister and her husband (left), my parents (back), AJ, Naya & I (center) and my other sister (right). |
2. I have had an extremely
weird growth on my lip removed twice and injected with steroids once. Yeah, disgusting
. When you hear all the hype about what pregnancy hormones can do to your body...believe it. I'll spare you the pictures. Ick.
3. This new mommy had her first
scare (however minor!) In the middle of the night in her second week at home, I noticed the left side of her chest was extremely swollen and red. I panicked. I called my mom who recommended I call her doctor in the morning. After being examined, they decided to give her an antibiotic to stop any possible infection. My poor kiddo HATED that shot in her thigh (who can blame her?!). I felt horrible for her, but had to keep reminding myself it was to
help. 24 hours later we could already see improvement...WHEW.
4. My
husband's parents got to meet Naya when she was about 3 weeks old! They live over 13 hours away, so obviously they didn't get to join my parents' hospital party three hours after Naya's birth. Instead, they came up when Naya's cousin, Noah, was getting baptized and got to spend time with us then. We can't wait to see them all again at Christmastime!
Naya talking with Grandpa Schemmer. |
Naya enjoying some time with Grandma Schemmer and cousins Elise and Jon (who isn't enjoying it quite as much). |
5. She has been exposed to some
Cross Country meets already! We went and cheered on my middle school athletes once and then she even got to see her aunts compete in college, too. We hope she grows to love the sport that brought her parents together :)
5. We have had
two more showers since Naya has been at church and one with my mother's side of the family. What a blessing to have so many people help us out!! And Naya now has some cute girly clothing, finally :)
6. My cousin, Jessica, took some
great family pictures for us! You have to check out her amazing photography blog
here. She did a lifestyle session in our apartment before heading outside to get some of our whole family. I absolutely love her work...she seriously makes us look SO much better than we do in real life ;)
Tiny little grin? |
In love. |
She loved Jessica! |
Our new little family of three. |
The whole gang! |
7. Naya has now crashed my
Book Club twice. A group of my dearest teacher friends gets together monthly to discuss books we have selected to read...and Naya has joined us in September and October. I miss these ladies so much while I'm on leave!
Naya smiles pretty regularly now *passes out with excitement*!! She coos and babbles, she reaches for mom's curls, and she even enjoys about 3 minutes of tummy time. She doesn't quite understand how bottles work...but the pacifier is a close friend when she is tired or in the car. The carseat/stroller/car rides/walks are some of her favorites. I'm hoping the Moby Wrap soon grows on her...but no luck yet. Her little frog legs go NONSTOP and are getting quite powerful. She loves skin to skin, especially after bath time or when she is fighting sleep. Speaking of...she temporarily sleeps between 3-4 hours at a time and a couple of nights she has freaked us out with a 5 or 6 hour stretch! We are thankful, but we know it could all change :)
I'm one month old! And not too happy about it, apparently. |
My wide-eyed shopping companion. |
This girl loves relaxing with Daddy. |
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