Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Easter Bunny Lessons

As I researched more for Easter and how to teach a toddler some of the significance behind this holiday, I came across this post thanks to Focus on the Family.  I especially loved the suggestions for incorporating how the world views Easter (fuzzy, adorable, Easter bunnies!) and using them as an object lesson for how Christ wants to help us act.  So, I came up with some visuals because I like to waste a nap-time and not do dishes...  Feel free to download these, print them off and use them to remind yourself and your children of how to act like "Easter bunnies."

You could attach these to a bag of chocolate bunnies, marshmallow bunnies or place them next to a REAL bunny (!!).  You could also have older children look up and read the Bible verses mentioned or have younger kids look for books and stuffed animals that have bunnies in them to further the illustration.

In looking for cute ways of incorporating God's wisdom into the world's foolishness, I came across THIS BLOG which has dozens of adorable printables.  I'm in love.  I especially liked her cute suggestions for how to redo an entire Easter basket with Scripture references.

I had a little too much fun playing on Canva, as always.  Have you tried to make visuals on here?!

The carrot.

Hope you enjoyed this creative concept from Focus on the Family as much as I did.  Make sure to check out their ideas for more object lessons!

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