Friday, January 15, 2016

Christmas Cards Rethought

I absolutely love decorating the entire side of my fridge with all the Christmas cards that come throughout the entire month of December.  When you're my age, your friends are always having babies so it's fun to see their tiny faces change and grow.  Plus, it progressively gets you into the "Christmas Spirit" as you open another letter and oooohhh and aaahhhh over it and make space next to the rest.

I remember as a child reading Christmas letters that families would type up and mail out every year.  You found out all the major milestones of their family members, and you felt like even if you hadn't been in contact regularly you knew the big events that they had gone through.

But, I'm not a person that can get a Christmas card, letter, picture...or gift for that matter...made, bought, and sent in time for it to be enjoyed.  Calling it a "Christmas Card" in fact, sorta stresses my procrastinating side out.  That's a tight time frame!

So, for the past two years our family has re-thought and re-vamped the idea of traditional Christmas cards ever so slightly.

Presenting: The New Year's Card!

I know, it's not that different.  But, it is to me.

  • You can send it practically anytime within the month of January and not feel too guilty about it.  For me, that is critical because between out of state Christmases and chronically late family pictures, I just need the grace period.  
  • Plus, when people place them on their fridge all is STILL 2016.  Whereas, when I'm looking at my yearly Christmas cards in March, I feel like tossing them in the garbage even though I really want the pictures.  
  • Websites like Vistaprint and Shutterfly tend to have really great sales on online prints and designs right after the holidays.  I saved 50% this year waiting until the second week of January to order!
Two years ago I included a Bible verse that I wanted to reflect our year.  My hope was that friends and family who need the reminder and encouragement would see Scripture on their fridge throughout the year.  This year,  I did a mini-Christmas letter idea on the back (thanks, VistaPrint).  I included an update about our daughter, my husband and myself. If it feels too Christmas Card-esque on the front, you can flip it over and read about our family....which isn't necessary for every person I know, but for family members we are trying to reach out to again after a long time, I think it is a nice touch.

Also, who doesn't want precious little baby faces on their return address labels that match their design?  Check out the baby cheeks from last year and the TODDLER that appeared out of no where this year!  *jaw drops*

Did you send Christmas cards this year? Why or why not?

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